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2007.09-2011.07 哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,热能与动力工程,学士
2011.07-2013.07 哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,动力工程及工程热物理,硕士
2013.07-2018.07 哈尔滨工业大学,能源学院,动力工程及工程热物理,博士
2015.10-2016.10 University of California Berkeley (加州大学伯克利分校),联合培养博士
2018.07-2020.12 WilliamHill登录入口,威廉希尔体育,团队博士后
2020.12--至今 WilliamHill登录入口,威廉希尔体育,副教授
欢迎有志于从事多尺度耦合传热、新能源材料、生物热物理、物理光学等领域基础和应用研究的同学申报,课题组提供自由开放的科研氛围以及出国交流机会(包括UC Berkeley,Stanford University,UCLA等国际名校),欢迎你的加入!
1. 太阳能转换原理与技术(专业核心课,48学时)
1. 高等传热学(辐射换热部分)(学科专业课,48学时)
1. 中国工程热物理学会会员、中国制冷学会会员、中国材料研究学会会员
2. Associate Editor, Frontiers in Thermal Engineering; Guest Editor, Energies.
3. 期刊审稿人:Joule, Energy & Environmental Science, Applied Energy, Int. J. Heat Mass Transfer, JQSRT, Phys. Fluids等.
[1] Wang CH *, Bian H, Jiang Z. Multiple surface polariton-enhanced near-field radiative heat transfer between layered graphene/porous SiC terminals, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 220: 124991, 2024.
[2] Chen Z, Dong M, Wang CH *. Passive interfacial photothermal evaporation and sky radiative cooling assisted all-day freshwater harvesting: System design, experiment study, and performance evaluation, Applied Energy, 355: 122254, 2024.
[3] Ymeli GL, Feng YY, Wang CH *. Lattice Boltzmann simulations on transient radiative transfer problems in irregular geometries with constant or graded refractive index, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 197: 108750, 2024.
[4] Wang CH *, Liu MX, Pan CC, Jiang ZY. Broadband directional thermal radiator with flexible intensity-directivity tunability in the whole visible spectrum. Applied Physics Letters, 123: 022203, 2023.
[5] Wang CH *, Chen H, Jiang ZY, Zhang XX, Wang FQ†. Modelling and performance evaluation of a novel passive thermoelectric system based on radiative cooling and solar heating for 24-hour power generation, Applied Energy, 331: 120425, 2023.
[6] Wang CH *, Chen H, Jiang ZY, Zhang XX. Design and experimental validation of an all-day passive thermoelectric system via radiative cooling and greenhouse effects, Energy, 263: 125735, 2023.
[7] Wang CH *, Bian H, Pan CC, Jiang ZY. Near-field thermal rectification via an InSb/graphene/3C-SiC-nanowire heterostructure, International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 194: 108581, 2023.
[8] Wang CH *, Zhang XY, Pan CC, Jiang ZY. Unified discontinuous Galerkin finite element framework for conjugated radiation-conduction heat transfer. Physical Review E, 107, 045303, 2023.
[9] Ymeli GL, Wang CH *. Generalized lattice Boltzmann method for radiative transfer problem in slab and irregular graded-index media, Physical Review E, 107: 015302, 2023.
[10] Zhang XY, Wang CH *. Development and application of discontinuous Galerkin method for solidification problems in a semitransparent medium-filled cavity, Journal of Energy Storage, 71: 108023, 2023.
[11] Ymeli GL, Liu X, Arantes F, Wang CH *. Lattice Boltzmann method for radiative transfer in two-layered slab with graded-index and Fresnel reflecting surfaces, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 148: 107025, 2023.
[12] Ymeli GL, Liu X, Tapimo R, Wang CH *. Transient radiative transfer in two graded-index slabs adhered by an infinitely thin vacuum via the lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 211: 124228, 2023.
[13] Yadava M, Yadava RS, Wang CH *. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of flow inside a converging and diverging nozzle with the insertion of single and multiple circular cylinders, Physics of Fluids, 35: 084110, 2023.
[14] Fokou A, Tchinda R, Ymeli GL, Lazard M, Wang CH *. Estimating of the radiance in atmosphere-ocean systems with different atmosphere models by discrete spherical harmonics method, ASME Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 145: 052802, 2023.
[15] Wang CH *, Liu MX, Jiang ZY. TiO2 particle agglomeration impacts on radiative cooling films with a thickness of 50 μm, Applied Physics Letters, 121 (20): 121, 202204, 2022.
[16] Wang CH *, Chen H, Jiang ZY, Zhang XX. Refractive index impacts on polarized signals from a homogeneous Rayleigh scattering medium exposed to oblique irradiation. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 139: 106434, 2022.
[17] Wang CH *, Zhang XY, Jiang ZY. Discontinuous finite element method for transient conductive heat transfer in layered media with thermal contact resistance, International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 138: 106344, 2022.
[18] Wang CH *, Liu ZY, Jiang ZY, Zhang XX. Double-diffusive convection in a magnetic nanofluid-filled porous medium: Development and application of a non-orthogonal lattice Boltzmann model, Physics of Fluids, 34 (6): 062012, 2022.
[19] Wang CH *, Liu ZY, Jiang ZY, Zhang XX. Numerical investigations of convection heat transfer in a thermal source-embedded porous medium via a lattice Boltzmann method. Case Studies in Thermal Engineering, 30: 101758, 2022.
[20] Feng YY, Wang CH *, Xiang Y*, Zhang XX. Internal thermal source effects on convection heat transfer in a two-dimensional porous medium: A lattice Boltzmann study. International Journal of Thermal Sciences, 173: 107416, 2022.
[21] Feng YY, Wang CH *. On the performance of a MRT lattice Boltzmann algorithm for transient radiative transfer problems. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 128: 105628, 2021.
[22] Wei L, Li G, Wang CH *, Zhang WJ. Determination of gradient index based on laser beam deflection by stochastic particle swarm optimization, Applied Physics B, 127: 131, 2021.
[23] Wei L, Li G, Song M, Wang CH *. Study on dynamic thermal behavior of PCM-filled double glazing unit under solar irradiation, International Journal of Energy Research, 11: 20672-20685, 2021.
[24] 陈浩,王存海*,程子明,魏琳扬,王富强,张欣欣.基于辐射制冷-温室效应的热电系统性能分析.物理学报, 70(21): 214401, 2021.
[25] Wang CH *, Wu XH, Wang FQ, Zhang XX. Optimization design of a multilayer structure for broadband and direction-selective emissivity. ES Energy & Environment, 11: 84-92, 2021.
[26] Feng YY, Wang CH *. Discontinuous finite element method applied to transient pure and coupled radiative heat transfer. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 122: 105156, 2021. (ESI高被引论文)
[27] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Yang YH, Ben X, Zhang XX. Square pulse effects on polarized radiative transfer in an atmosphere-ocean model. Optics Express, 28(13): 18713-18727, 2020.
[28] Wang CH *. Calculated radiance errors induced by neglecting the polarization of the irradiation beam exposed to an atmosphere. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 250: 106995, 2020.
[29] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Yang YH, Zhang Y, Yue K, Zhang XX. Chebyshev collocation spectral method for polarized radiative transfer and its application to two-layered media. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 243: 106822, 2020.
[30] 王存海*,郑树,张欣欣.非规则形状介质内辐射-导热耦合传热的间断有限元求解.物理学报, 69(3): 034401, 2020.
[31] Liu XC, Huang Y*, Wang CH *, Zhu KY. Solving steady and transient radiative transfer problems with strong inhomogeneity via a lattice Boltzmann method. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 155: 119714, 2020.
[32] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Yue K, Zhang XX. Discontinuous finite element method for combined radiation-conduction heat transfer in participating media. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 108: 104287, 2019. (ESI高被引论文)
[33] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Ben X, Yue K, Zhang XX. Time-dependent polarized radiative transfer in an atmosphere-ocean system exposed to external illumination. Optics Express, 27(16): A981-A994, 2019.
[34] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Yue K, Zhang XX, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Polarized radiative transfer in complex media exposed to external irradiation. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 225: 166-179, 2019.
[35] Wang CH *, Feng YY, Yue K, Zhang XX. Discontinuous finite element method with unstructured meshes for polarized radiative transfer in irregular media. OSA Continuum, 2(4): 1474-1487, 2019.
[36] Feng YY, Wang CH *. Discontinuous finite element method with a local numerical flux scheme for radiative transfer with strong inhomogeneity. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 126: 783-795, 2018.
[37] Wang CH *, Liu HY. Discontinuous Galerkin finite element method for radiative heat transfer in two-dimensional media with inner obstacles. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 73(11): 806-822, 2018.
[38] Wang CH, Qu L, Zhang Y, Yi HL. Three-dimensional polarized radiative transfer simulation using the discontinuous finite element method. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 208: 108-124, 2018.
[39] Wang CH, Feng YY, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient/time-dependent radiative transfer in a two-dimensional scattering medium considering the polarization effect. Optics Express, 25(13): 14621-14634, 2017.
[40] Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient polarized radiative transfer analysis in a scattering medium by a discontinuous finite element method. Optics Express, 25(7): 7418-7442, 2017.
[41] Wang CH, Yi HL, Tan HP. Discontinuous finite element method for vector radiative transfer. Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 189: 383-397, 2017.
[42] Wang CH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Xie M. Analysis of transient radiative transfer induced by an incident short-pulsed laser in a graded-index medium with Fresnel boundaries. Applied Optics, 56(7): 1861-1871, 2017.
[43] 王存海, 易红亮, 谈和平.间断有限元法求解一维矢量辐射传输. 工程热物理学报, 38(4): 833-840, 2017.
[44] Wang CH, Zhang Y, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in two-dimensional graded index medium by Monte Carlo method combined with the time shift and superposition principle. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 69(6): 574-588, 2016.
[45] Wang CH, Ai Q, Yi HL, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a graded index medium with specularly reflecting surfaces. Numerical Heat Transfer-Part A, 67(11): 1232-1252, 2015.
[46] Yi HL*, Wang CH, Tan HP. Transient radiative transfer in a complex refracting medium by a modified Monte Carlo simulation. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 79: 437-449, 2014. (导师一作)
[47] Yi HL*, Wang CH, Tan HP, Zhou Y. Radiative heat transfer in semitransparent solidifying slab considering space-time dependent refractive index. International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 55(5-6): 1724-1731, 2012. (导师一作)
1. 王存海,陈姿颖,董明宇,等.一种全天候取水装置及取水方法,发明专利.
2. 王存海,张禧龙,方悦,等.一种基于辐射制冷-温室效应的温差发电装置,发明专利.
3. 王存海,冯岩岩.具有显著方向选择性发射率的多层薄膜结构,发明专利.
4. 陈姿颖,董明宇,王存海.一种新型蓄热电式窗帘,实用新型专利.
1. 国家自然科学基金青年项目,多组分颗粒弥散介质偏振辐射传输及光学成像研究,2020.01-2022.12.
2. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目,嵌入式非均匀介质内偏振辐射传输机理,2019.01-2020.12.
3. 中央高校基本科研业务费,参与性介质偏振辐射传输机理及应用,2018.12-2020.11.
1. 国家自然科学基金重大项目,生物体内液体/颗粒的流动与迁移及调控机制,2019.01-2023.12.(负责人:张欣欣)
2. 国家自然科学基金创新研究群体项目,热辐射传输与流动控制,2012.01-2017.12.(负责人:谈和平)
3. 国家自然科学基金优青项目,半透明介质能量输运,2015.01-2017.12.(负责人:易红亮)
1. WilliamHill登录入口规划教材项目,《辐射换热基础》,2021.6-2023.6,主持.
2. WilliamHill登录入口精品在线开放课程建设项目,《热工学》,2020.6-2021.6.
1. 硕士研究生国家奖学金、WilliamHill登录入口“十佳学术之星”(陈浩),2023.
2. 北京市本科生优秀毕业论文、全国能源动力类百篇本科优秀毕业论文(陈姿颖),2023.
3. 第十三届挑战杯首都老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(董明宇 等),2023.
4. 第五届北京市老员工节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖(刘倚宏 等),2023.
5. 第十五届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级一等奖(陈姿颖 等),2022.
6. 第三届北京市老员工节能节水低碳减排社会实践与科技竞赛一等奖(陈姿颖 等),2021.
7. 第十一届挑战杯首都老员工课外学术科技作品竞赛一等奖(陈浩 等),2021.
8. 第十三届全国老员工节能减排社会实践与科技竞赛国家级一等奖(张禧龙 等),2020.
1. 北京市“青年人才托举工程计划”(2022-2024年度)入选者,2021.
2. WilliamHill登录入口“十佳班主任”,2022.
3. WilliamHill登录入口运动会3000米第一名(教工组),2021.